1. Learn from every experience
Every experience has an impact on your next project. You can do things in life that will alter the way you think about a space or design, may it be something completely out of the ordinary.
2. Following is not copying, it is learning.
You learn from seeing the work of others. When your working on a project other peoples opinions, input, and ideas can help you learn things about you design that you never knew. If you use someone else's idea to think of you own, great things can come of it.
3. You grow from failure.
You can never necessarily do something wrong. This is because everything you do in your life allows you to grow as a person. By making mistakes, you begin to realize what is good or bad for your process in design.
4. Never hesitate to say what you think or feel. Someone will connect.
When dealing with group projects i tend to say things that are completely crazy. I try to spin these things to allow my peers to understand what i am getting at. All in all, I'm a weirdo. But my absurd comments always seem to get my somewhere, spark an idea, or just be me. A weirdo.
5. Go above and beyond when you have it in you.
I always get a sudden motivation to do more work then needed. If i love what I'm doing, i don't mind spending the unnecessary hours to get things done the right way. Even when it isn't "due".
6. Determine your own Style.
After working with the same people for such a long time, you begin to realize everyone has their own style. You begin to be able to tell who did what work. You make a mark on peoples emotions towards your work.
7. Take Risks and Be Proud of them.
if you go above an beyond you can fail. you can only learn. Do things you never thought you would do. Live a little.
8. Walk in someone else’s footsteps while creating your own.
If there are people in the world who you admire, theres always someone there to catch you when you fall. To guide you when your lost.
9. Don’t ponder if there’s nothing there. Be adventurous, then return.
I always tend to sit there and get very angry when i cant figure something out. I have found it helpful to just drop it. Go do something fun. Take a break and just don't think about it. Then come back.
10. If you’re not into it, don’t do it. Start over.
Ive taken it upon myself to not do anything i dont like. i find it a waste of time. Yes im in school and there are assignments im not going to like. But i believe in always making things you approve of. For example, i hate office planning. It drives me insane. But that doesnt mean im not going to try to make the best design that i am capable of. If i wasnt going to try and make it the best, id rather get a 0 and not even waste my time.
11. Being serious about your work isn’t always necessary.
Adding a kick to your work is always entertaining as well as interesting. Cookie cutter is not my thing. Its boring. Like i always say. Live a little.
12. Who makes the rules? Who said they were true? NOT ME.
i dont believe people HAVE to do anything. i mean yea there are laws, but in design, you make your own if you ask me.
13. Stressing isn’t accomplishing, smiling is always rewarding.
i believe you don't accomplish anything if your drive yourself crazy. Your always going to get your shit done if you put your mind to it. But why stress? Make your work fine, crack jokes, smile, be with people that make you happy. If you don't. Get a new career.
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