Saturday, November 13, 2010


Design should be non-derivative.

Learn from others, but never copy one. Take inspiriting, and agree with opinions, but one should always be original.

Design is freedom to consider new forms and materials- but should always remain true to function.

We design for the comfort and convenience of others. We should always explore new ways to do things, and new means to do them with. There is a plethora of opportunity to be had, you will never know until you try.

The ultimate goal of design, and all creative things, is to bring happiness to people’s lives.

Everything you do affects someone or something. Design with a purpose; question everything you design and its reason for existence. Always think about the context of your designs, and how the user will experience it.

What you take from life- your experiences, your drive for knowledge, your devotion- is what you get out of life.

It’s pretty self-explanatory. Take all experiences that come to you. You only get far in life if you try. You have to have the drive in order to get to where you want in life. Nothing will be handed to you.

The product is not the end in itself but the gateway to a plethora of experiences.

I feel as though a design is never complete. There is always room for improvement.

I believe that too often technology hinders, rather than helps. Designers mustn’t ever lose site of the hand.

There are many programs that have been invented to help and enhance ones designs. Many times these programs can make the process longer and harder than it need be, simply because it’s technology. Technology is flawed and as I said before, the product always has room for improvement. Therefore I feel as though the designer should never ever lose site of the hand, sometimes the classical way is just better.

Process is one of the most important elements of design. The process is the product.

You should always question yourself. In the process you must question everything you do because it’s the only way to perfect the product. The process allows you to work through the issues to develop the idea.

Make mistakes. It’s the best way to learn.

If you fail pick yourself up and try again, there is no point sitting in the mud wishing you had done something differently when you can’t go back and change it.

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